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May 16, 2005


Blogpoly368x369It's one of those things that makes you wonder why it hasn't been done before: blogopoly.*

Of course, it's merely an interesting diversion for a Monday morning, yet it tells you a lot about the state of the blogosphere in May 2005 and what its creator values. It will be an amusing document in a few years time when people fondly recall the early days of Skype. Cue plenty of debate about the placing of entities like boingboing against feedburner, say.

I wonder where Typepad is...

Perhaps someone could create a dynamic board where people get to move the 'properties' around the board and aggregate the current values to give a picture of what is hot and what is not.

Link: ..::littleoslo::..blogpoly.

*In fact someone else did, but not so elegantly.

May 16, 2005 in Weblogs | Permalink


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