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November 23, 2004

Blogging marches on

Yet more evidence rolls in that blogging is subtly reshaping current affairs.

First of all, the Guardian in the UK has led with a verbatim copy of a blog post by cameraman and journalist Kevin Sites. Sites made the news by recording a US marine shooting an Iraqi. I suspect it is the first time a mainstream national newspaper has led on its front page with such a source (though I am willing to be corrected).

Next up there is Fistful of Euros' coverage of the election crisis in Ukraine that provides an excellent digest of what is going on. Best of all, the assorted bloggers at FfoE link to Veronica Khokhlova:

You should've seen the crowd walking past our windows, along Khreshchatyk and towards the Central Election Commission... This is a wonderful time here in Kyiv.

Like Salam Pax before her, in Khokhlova you have a talented writer on the ground who knows the issues and, because they are linked to from a trusted source (FfoE) they are treated with greater respect by the likes of me, who have little time to trawl the net for a decent Ukrainian viewpoint.

November 23, 2004 in Current Affairs, Observations, Weblogs | Permalink


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» Sites' site reaches new heights from roblog
When freelance reporter and weblogger last week captured video of a US marine shooting an apparent Iraqi insurgent despite his being alive, the world's media leapt all over the story. But Sites, letting the story do its stuff out in... [Read More]

Tracked on Nov 24, 2004 8:08:46 PM
