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October 27, 2004
The obligatory Peel post
Some observations on the death of John Peel:
a) Mark E Smith of The Fall was on Newsnight last night to comment. Whoever dreamt up that interview was in mischevious mood: Smith slumped in his chair, his delinquent-pixie face resting on the foot of the screen while Michael Bradley of The Undertones reminisced fondly about the man who made his career. Gavin Esler then starts to interview Smith who is having none of it - well very little. Newsnight shows previous episodes online for 24 hours so do hurry over for a look: Newsnight.ram.
b) Andy Kershaw on Channel 4 News was also willing to challenge the Peel-fest at the Beeb - he revealed that Peel was increasingly annoyed at the ever-later Radio1 slot and said it was 'killing him'. Ouch.
c) Much has been said about Peel's discoveries, especially of the The Undertones - there is more in Peel's own words here
d) Some good blog tributes: Apostate Windbag, Suw Charman ('he never let a thing like language get in the way of playing a good song') and Stefan Magdalinksi ('John Peel, one night, after school, plays the record that changes my life. Right there, "Stakker Humanoid", by Humanoid, more or less destroys my interest in all the records I own already, at a stroke. What was *that*?').
e) And finally, how many people at 65 would have so many recent photos that make them look as cool as Peel's - the UK's national papers are justifiably plastered with them. In fact he looked cooler of late than he ever did in the 70s and 80s. Other than Terence Stamp, of who else in their 60s could you say that for?
October 27, 2004 in Music, Observations, Television | Permalink
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