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July 18, 2004

Trudeau gathers no moss

Doonesbury_-_RS_954_article_image_200x240.6294681A while back I wrote about a current storyline in the Doonesbury strip that moved and shocked me and many others around the world. The strip's creator Garry Trudeau rarely does interviews but is in the current issue of Rolling Stone (his character, BD, makes the cover), making it a must read. Most poignantly he says:

I was talking to a soldier in the hospital, and I said, "I draw this comic strip, and I have this character named B.D. who lost his leg." The soldier's eyes widened: "B.D. lost his leg?!" Here's this mangled, broken hero lying in his bed, and he's concerned that this character he knows had such a terrible thing happen to him. It was very moving.

July 18, 2004 in Current Affairs | Permalink


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