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July 28, 2004

The Ministry of Vague Paranoia

On seeing the great hoo-ha in the UK press about the UK Government's Preparing For Emergencies booklet (www.preparingforemergies.gov.uk), resourceful parodist Thomas Scott has taken it off beautifully at: www.preparingforemergencies.co.uk.

Amazing, isn't it, how the government still don't seem to think about covering the bases and buying up similar URLs.

Unsurprisingly HMG is not best pleased. As Thomas tells BoingBoing:

'I considered giving up, but heck -- it's a parody, it's obviously a parody, and I'm damned if I'm going to be strongarmed into taking it down. As a concession, I added a conspicuous "this is a parody" notice to the bottom of the home page'

Too true. You fight 'em, Thomas. If we had any inalienable rights in the UK, right to parody would be in there jostling with the vote and a fair trial.

July 28, 2004 in Humour | Permalink


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This rather good post will lead you to this rather good parody of this [Read More]

Tracked on Jul 29, 2004 10:14:59 PM


Sorry it didn't make me larf...
Maybe it's a cultural thing.

Posted by: Tom Findlay | Jul 29, 2004 10:48:46 AM

This may be more Tom Findlay's cup of tea. It made me spill my coffee!

Posted by: darvi | Aug 6, 2004 7:39:20 AM

puzzling over what types of special gifts to purchase for the men within your life

Posted by: Barefoot Running | Jun 16, 2011 1:50:03 AM