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July 01, 2004
Good Fridays
The busy folk behind London by London are furiously emailing half of London with links to their new and more ambitious enterprise: The Friday Project.
They expect to do more than produce the cheerfully cynical and a irreverant stuff they have produced hitherto by actually trying to do something positive:
We realised that there was a huge need for a publishing house that was focussed on harnessing the power of the web, email, print, TV and radio to bring people together to make some kind of positive difference to the world. But in a practical, tangible way rather than an airy, intangible one.
Of course, whether this means organising a oneway ticket to Antarctica for the 'sinner or winner' man outside Oxford Circus or eradicating poverty in London by 2010, is not clear. Looks interesting, though. Do have a look yourself.
July 1, 2004 in Web/Tech | Permalink
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