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April 10, 2004

Perfect Pepys

Today's entry from Pepysdiary.com is a real gem: personal, amusing, informative and most of all deeply revealing of Pepys' character. He marvels at his own position in a disarming fashion, noting how he is respected then spends a day in the company of beautiful women and visits the king.

Perhaps best is a delightful vignette with which the diarist opens the entry:

And lay and slept well till 3 in the morning, and then waking, and by the light of the moon I saw my pillow (which overnight I flung from me) stand upright, but not bethinking myself what it might be, I was a little afeard, but sleep overcame all and so lay till high morning...

April 10, 2004 in Weblogs | Permalink


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