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March 18, 2004
A note on the title of this blog
A commonplace is a book kept for the recording of memorabilia such as quotations and thoughts. According to Websters, Jonathon Swift wrote that, "Whatever, in my reading, occurs concerning this our fellow creature, I do never fail to set it down by way of commonplace."
Lord Byron's publisher, Jack Murray, kept a commonplace, published recently as 'A Gentleman Publisher's Commonplace Book'. This title is the inspiration of the blog.
There is also, of course, a delightful digital element to the idea of a commonplace, or shared mental space. In some ways, therefore, the blog is the apotheosis of the commonplace book.
As for my status as a gentleman, that you will have to judge for yourselves.
March 18, 2004 in Weblogs | Permalink
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