Shel Israel and Robert Scoble's book is no longer to be called the Red Couch but Naked Conversations - a good title: provocative and revealing. As part of the research, they've been interviewing consultants who 'get it' [i.e. use blogging for better business]. One of the most recent is with one of my favourites, Richard Edelman.
There's lots in there to chew over, but a few choice quotes struck me:
Note that in the Trust Barometer the third most credible source is “Average Person like Me” so we can be the communications choice for smart companies seeking conversation with their multiple stakeholders...
Talk to critics at NGOs in advance to reach an understanding. Use your employees as your first line of offense. Use a real person as a spokesperson or maybe the winner of a reality show like American Idol. Create synergy among the promotions and talk across the silos, but offer real dialogue, not hot air...
And finally, some good advice on corporate blogging:
There have to be some accepted criteria for bloggers at a company. First, there can be no release of confidential information. Second, there must be a commitment to good conduct--just as a person would not run around naked at the company picnic. Third, there should be some editing function--Derek gets a chance at each of my posts to make sure they are sane. Fourth, there should be real diversity in your designated bloggers so outsiders get a true picture of the firm...
Thanks for informing us. I am at your site after a long time. Good to see you again.
Posted by: Oakley Canada | September 06, 2011 at 09:30 AM