There is some interesting stuff at the Thinking Ethics blog. Of particular relevance to altfunction is Stephen Whittle's post about how ethics is so often a matter of survival. What he says (below) puts me in mind of the need for creative leadership.
To many people, corporate ethics are 'thou shalt not'. What Whittle seems to be saying, is that real and demonstrable ethical behaviour frees individuals to act ethically and responsibly, but it only works when you walk the talk."
Ethics is not a matter of box ticking but encouraging people to think out their responsibility when right meets right. Our challenge is how to both empower and enable our people without paralyzing them, building on the interest that is there and constructing an organizational environment in which thinking/subversion is celebrated. Ultimately, our authority will derive from the way we live our ethical commitment.* Our "audiences" will be looking for integrity of behavior and whether we live our values. We in turn will be encouraging them to accept their responsibility to exercise their citizenship.
*(My emphasis)