Two keys on your keyboard: alt and fn. This blog is designed to explore the premise that business has a number of objectives, such as making products, providing services and offering a return to shareholders but can also contribute to a more sustainable future. It has, effectively, an alternative function, which I believe can often deliver its other objectives.
My angle on corporate responsibility relates to the areas in which I work most closely: new technology and the media.
To take one example, blogging has formed a new medium that enables employees, customers and critics to broadcast information (data, opinions) to the world more simply and more cheaply than ever before. This increased scrutiny on business may be seen as a driver to greater accountability and transparency, but may equally result in companies seeking to close down channels of communication, instructing employees to remove information etc. This is inevitably changing business, accountability, the media and communications.
The response from business will need to be imaginative and creative: open minded and inquisitive (not characteristics that come to all businesses).Hence altfunction.